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Engage: resolving Group IDs

Engage Group IDs

What are Engage Group IDs ?
Each Engage Group is given a unique ID by Engage. This is imported into TimeTabler when you read the Engage file at the start of the matching process.

How can I see the IDs ?
This depends on which screen you are on:
- On the Matching Screen, tick the option under the 'View-MIS' settings.
- On the Review Teaching Groups Screen, tick 'Show MIS IDs'.

You may see groups beginning "XX_", like this:

What does an 'odd-looking' Group ID mean ?
If you see a Group ID beginning "XX_" this means that you used the 'Re-Read data from Engage' option on the Review Teaching Groups Screen ... but in the new Engage data, the Group ID for this Group appears to have changed (since you started matching, or since you last read the Engage data).  What TimeTabler does, is show you both Groups, but the older/earlier one has "XX_" put before it, to warn you that it is probably not the one to use.

Dealing with the 'odd' Group IDs
There are 2 ways to deal with them:
-- a) You may wish to click 'Unlink XX_', which unlinks and ignores all the Groups starting 'XX_'.  This can help you to 'see the wood from the trees' ... and make it easier for you to find the correct Engage Group to link to a TimeTabler Teaching Group.
-- b) if you think the groups are correct and do appear in Engage, try going to "Review Teaching Groups" (top-right of Matching Screen) then click "Re-read data from Engage" and see if this removes the "XX_":

Any questions, ask our Support Centre.

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By the TimeTabler Team