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  • Using Dual Monitors (2 screens / monitors)

    Dual Monitors are great for faster timetabling: It's easy to add an extra monitor / screen to your PC or laptop, so you can work on one screen, and see the results on the other. This is especially us...

  • Using the Visual Builder Screen

    TimeTabler offers you a choice of how to schedule, by providing two possible scheduling screens: -- The Priority List:  is the simpler screen, with basic and compact information. -- The Visual Builde...

  • Manual timetabling v TimeTabler

    Manual timetabling versus using TimeTabler If you are currently creating your timetable manually (eg: in Excel) then there are many advantages to moving to TimeTabler - ten of the keys ones are discu...

  • Summary List of the Articles in the KnowledgeBase

    It can be useful to have a summary of the available Articles, for you to print out and keep to hand near your machine. Click this link: Summary of Articles [

  • 'White paper' on the Timetabling Consequences of current Trends in Education

    Some of the current trends in secondary education have serious consequences for timetabling ...and these consequences are discussed together with possible ways forward. To view the PDF, click here [h...

  • Contents pages of the TimeTabler Manual

    For a PDF showing the main Contents of the TimeTabler Manual, please click below: [] ...