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Will your next timetable be more difficult?

Timetabling Challenges

When creating a timetable each year, you are likely to find that specific problems or concerns appear,  some of which you may not have faced before, or for which you would like to find a new solution.
All of these present you (as the timetabler) and your school, with challenges.

To try to help you with this, we have prepared a PDF which shows you some of the more common problems and how you might tackle them.  
The PDF includes the following examples:

- 1. Budget:  consequences for timetabling; contact ratio; curriculum bonuses
- 2. Part-time staff:  flexibility; split/shared teaching; 'trapped' time; employment factors
- 3. Options Choices:  options structures; collecting choices; better pattern of subjects
- 4. Timetable Cycle:  effects of changing it, is your cycle the right one for you?
- 5. Sixth Form or a joint S4/5/6:  compatibility with the rest of the school, IB, Scotland.

To download the PDF please click here.


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By the TimeTabler Team