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Cloud computing

Cloud applications (also known as SaaS, Software as a Service) are increasingly seen as the future of MIS software in schools and colleges ... and for MIS there are clear benefits.
But for school timetabling there remain some distinct disadvantages.

These disadvantages are discussed in a PDF which you can download from here .

IT Managers sometimes assume that because the MIS is 'in the Cloud' that it automatically follows that all school software should be like that ...but that ignores the special features of timetabling.
Some of the differences are explained in the PDF.

Some related thoughts:

API : An API is used when 2 programs need to exchange data automatically; for example a school-meals module and an MIS, or a room-booking program and the MIS.  They need to be regularly 'synced'.
Is an API between the timetabling software and the MIS needed ?  Typically not: because for much of the school year the timetabling software is working on next year's data, while the MIS has this year's data ...and so allowing an API to update the other program could be dangerous.
And even when both programs are in the same school year, an API can only be applied for certain pre-planned and pre-determined dates when a new/revised timetable is due to go live.  At other times it could cause problems.  You can't change students' timetables without due planning and warning.

Storing your data in the Cloud :  This makes sense and is possible in TimeTabler  and Options.
For example, Users often install the software on a machine at home as well as the machine at school.
Then, in one location they do a Backup in the Cloud (eg. using Dropbox, OneDrive, etc, as explained in the Manual and the Help Screens, by clicking on the 'Backup' button in the program). That means that they can then go to the other location and download that data, to continue timetabling with the same data, seamlessly.

Notes / further reading:

     TimeTabler  & StaffCover: Our plan is to keep monitoring this, and to move to the cloud when it is best for our schools and school timetablers.    If you have any thoughts on this, please let us know at - thank you.

     Options  : Our companion program to Options, called TOOLS, is in the Cloud (as it makes sense to allow students and/or parents to submit their option choices this way).  We are currently looking into whether Options itself should also be in the Cloud; there are some arguments for this.

     Please also see these articles on working in a team and on centralised timetabling.

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By the TimeTabler Team