You can see the full range of Help & Support we offer, in this e-booklet: The 12 ways in which we offer Support [] Any questions,...
Timetabling in Scottish schools[img src=""]Timetabling in Scotland has its own flavour, which may mean using TimeTabler and...
Scheduling a 10-day (2-week, fortnightly) timetable: There are two main kinds of 2-week (fortnight) timetables: ------------------------- Style 1: Week-2 is very different from Week-1: Fo...
Evaluate your TGNs (Teaching Group Names) If you have most or all of your Activities set to use {auto}matic TGNs, then you can ‘evaluate’ them at any time, via Curriculum Diagram -> TGN -> Evaluate ...
Our e-booklet series We have written a series of white papers and e-booklets on various facets of timetabling and student options, that we hope you will find helpful if you are involved with timetabl...
While it may not be possible in every school, our thoughts on who is best placed to create a Quality timetable appear in this document: Who should do the timetable ? [
Attracting and Keeping your Teachers via your timetable Overview Your timetable plays a critical role in the attracting and retaining of your staff. It provides the practical embodiment of the good ...
Worked Example 1: pros and cons In Section I of the Manual, Worked Example 1 explains how to use TimeTabler in small schools, including special schools, AP. PRU or Referral Units where students follo...
Creating a timetable for 2 or more separate schools Q I am the main timetabler for 2 different schools; what is the best way to manage this ? A There are three ways you could handle this, ...
Teacher Pools What is a Teacher Pool ? You can have none, one or more Teacher Pools. Each contains a subset of Teachers (who can teach the same or similar subjects). Eg: you might have a 'Music Te...