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Preparing for timetabling

  • Part-time Staff and Job-sharing : 18 Examples / Scenarios

    Part-time Staff, Flexible Working, and Job-sharing : 18 Examples & Scenarios > Overview: Schools are increasingly looking for ways of developing more flexible working.  This usually involves employin...

  • Saving Money on the timetable

    'White Paper' on 'Saving Money on your Timetable' If your school is facing financial problems, or needs to make budgetary cuts, or wishes to explore ways to be more frugal, then there are 4 main ways...

  • Fixed Points

    Fixed Points in TimeTabler Fixed Points are an important part of any timetable. By 'Fixed Points' we mean items like: * -- Upper School Games is ALWAYS on Wednesday afternoon and must be assigned ...

  • Split-teaching - entering the data

    Split teaching is when an activity (eg. History for class 8A) is taught by 2 or more different teachers during the week, and is especially common in UK 'Sixth Forms' ... how is it best handled in Time...

  • Consistent Grouping

    Consistent Grouping can be used to timetable consistently-setted groups or sets. Example: if your students are setted the same for Science as for Technology and Geography: [img src="https://timetabl...

  • Transferring option Blocks from Options to TimeTabler

    Transferring Blocks of subjects from Options to TimeTabler When you have finished creating your Option Blocks in Options, you may wish to then:   A   export the Group Populations (students' names) of...

  • Devising a timetable for your school exams / exam invigilation

    Exam Timetables Different schools have different expectations and different organisations for exam timetables and invigilation rotas ... but the following may be useful in giving an idea of what is p...

  • Staff Planning Tools

    The Staff/Teacher Planning Tools can be accessed via “Basic Data -> Teacher Planning Tools” or via 'Dashboard -> Staffing'. [img src="

  • Staggered lunches

    Using staggered lunch periods (also called split-lunches or multiple-sittings or just 'sittings') can help if you are short of rooms and/or dining space, and/or have a large number of students who nee...

  • Senior & Junior timetables - Timings

    How can I schedule if different 'Parts' of my school have different period times ? Suppose you wish to timetable: -- a Senior School, years 7 to 13, with a 6-period day, starting at 9.00 AM, and: -- ...