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Preparing for timetabling

  • What is included in your Help & Support ?

    You can see the full range of Help & Support we offer, in this e-booklet: The 12 ways in which we offer Support Any questions, or if you need extra or bespoke training, just let us know.   The best pl...

  • Timetabling in Scotland

    Timetabling in Scottish schoolsTimetabling in Scotland has its own flavour, which may mean using TimeTabler and/or Options and/or StaffCover in a slightly different way. We have prepared 17 White Pape...

  • Scheduling a 2-week timetable

    Scheduling a 10-day (2-week, fortnightly) timetable: There are two main kinds of 2-week (fortnight) timetables:          Style 1:  Week-2 is very different from Week-1: For this style it is usual to e...

  • Good timetabling

    How can I become a better timetabler ?There are several ways you can improve and hone your timetabling skills and become a better timetabler, or continue to be the best timetabler you can be. These ra...

  • Evaluate your Teaching Group Names

    Evaluate your TGNs (Teaching Group Names) If you have most or all of your Activities set to use {auto}matic TGNs, then you can ‘evaluate’ them at any time, via  Curriculum Diagram -> TGN -> Evaluate {...

  • White Papers and e-Booklets

    Our e-booklet series We have written a series of white papers and e-booklets on various facets of timetabling and student options, that we hope you will find helpful if you are involved with timetabli...

  • Who should do the timetable ?

    While it may not be possible in every school, our thoughts on who is best placed to create a Quality timetable appear in this document:  Who should do the timetable ?   If you are facing difficulties ...

  • Staff Retention

    Attracting and Keeping your Teachersvia your timetable Overview Your timetable plays a critical role in the attracting and retaining of your staff.  It provides the practical embodiment of the good in...

  • Worked Example 1

    Worked Example 1: pros and cons In Section I of the Manual, Worked Example 1 explains how to use TimeTabler in small schools, including special schools, AP. PRU or Referral Units where students follow...

  • Timetabling for 2 Schools

    Creating a timetable for 2 or more separate schools   Q    I am the main timetabler for 2 different schools; what is the best way to manage this ?   A    There are three ways you could handle this, to...