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Preparing for timetabling

  • 'Federal' timetabling across schools

    A ‘federal’ timetabling situation is one where some (rarer) subjects are taught in only one of the schools in the group, and students from the other schools commute to that school. This happens most o...

  • Shortcuts in TimeTabler

    Shortcuts in TimeTabler Some of the most common functions in TimeTabler can be accessed by a single function-key press.  For handiness, the main ones are summarised below:        Opening/main screen: ...

  • Centralised and Shared Timetabling

    Schools that are geographically close may have shared staff and/or shared courses and/or share the timetabling: Some examples of 'shared' timetabling are: 1. More than one person (a “team”) in the sch...

  • Will your next timetable be more difficult?

    Timetabling Challenges When creating a timetable each year, you are likely to find that specific problems or concerns appear,  some of which you may not have faced before, or for which you would like ...

  • A Guide for Headteachers

    'White Paper' for Headteachers and Deputies As a new Headteacher or Deputy, you may feel that you want to change the curricular structure (and therefore the timetable) of your school. Or after a perio...

  • Split-teaching - analysing your schedule

    Split-Teaching: what it is, and is it desirable ? Split-teaching is when a Teaching Group (eg. History for form 9A) is taught by 2 or more teachers during the week.  So the students don't have the sam...

  • Part-time Staff and Job-sharing : 18 Examples / Scenarios

    Part-time Staff, Flexible Working, and Job-sharing : 18 Examples & Scenarios > Overview: Schools are increasingly looking for ways of developing more flexible working.  This usually involves employing...

  • Saving Money on the timetable

    'White Paper' on 'Saving Money on the Timetable' If your school is facing financial problems, or needs to make budgetary cuts, or wishes to explore ways to be more frugal, then there are 4 main ways t...

  • Fixed Points

    Fixed Points in TimeTabler Fixed Points are an important part of any timetable. By 'Fixed Points' we mean items like: -- Upper School Games is ALWAYS on Wednesday afternoon and must be assigned there ...

  • Split-teaching - entering the data

    Split teaching is when an activity (eg. History for class 8A) is taught by 2 or more different teachers during the week, and is especially common in UK 'Sixth Forms' ... how is it best handled in Time...