If you are moving to TimeTabler from Nova-T, you will find that some of the terminology is different. If you can't find or recognise something in TimeTabler that you used in Nova, then please: - a) r...
'Morning-only' subjects Some schools like to always teach a particular subject in the morning ... or always teach it in the afternoon. This rule may be school-wide or just for specific years. A popula...
The Timetabling Rules Panel This panel (at Customize -> Timetabling Rules Panel) allows you to set-up various global timetabling rules, which will then be applied as you schedule. It contains these ...
Activities that go across a whole Year Q I have Classes and Activities that go right across my Year 7. Similarly for Years 8-11. Is there a quick way to specify them, rather than having to use...
A ‘federal’ timetabling situation is one where some (rarer) subjects are taught in only one of the schools in the group, and students from the other schools commute to that school. This happens most o...
Shortcuts in TimeTabler Some of the most common functions in TimeTabler can be accessed by a single function-key press. For handiness, the main ones are summarised below: ------------------------- ...
Schools that are geographically close may have shared staff and/or shared courses and/or share the timetabling: Some examples of 'shared' timetabling are: 1. More than one person (a “team”) in the s...
Timetabling Challenges When creating a timetable each year, you are likely to find that specific problems or concerns appear, some of which you may not have faced before, or for which you would like...
'White Paper' for Headteachers and Deputies As a new Headteacher or Deputy, you may feel that you want to change the curricular structure (and therefore the timetable) of your school. Or after a per...
Split-Teaching: what it is, and is it desirable ? Split-teaching is when a Teaching Group (eg. History for form 9A) is taught by 2 or more teachers during the week. So the students don't have the sa...