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The Conflict Matrix

The Conflict Matrix is an important pre-scheduling test for checking your teacher-teams, and seeing how the teams of one year-group might fit against the teams from another year-group.

It can be helpful for the timetabler if Heads of Department / Subject Heads are given the PDF below as INSET on the Conflict Matrix, before the timetabling season. It can help to inform their decisions about the staffing they recommend for their department.

The topic can be easily covered in a session of less than 30 minutes, and the INSET materials consist of a Briefing Note for the person giving the training; 2 FactSheets of information, and 1 Activity Sheet of work for course members to do (5 pages of A4 in total) - see here:

The Conflict Matrix PDF

Note: There is a fuller / more detailed version in the materials that come with The Timetabler's CookBook. To order or learn more about the book, click here.

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By the TimeTabler Team