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Multiple Sites

My school has multiple sites / locations - how do I handle this ?

In TimeTabler, if you school has more than one site, you can usually handle this in one of three ways:

 1   You can create the timetable for each site one at a time, using our “Blocking off” feature to avoid clashes.  And you can then include travel-time, as described in this article from our KnowledgeBase:
Senior & Junior timetables
… and on page 5 of this document:  Senior-Junior timetables PDF

 2   An alternative is that you can say that a specific year of students are on a specific site.  More details here:  Years and Sites
… but this method is only appropriate if (a) each year of students have all their lessons on the same site, and (b) you don’t need more than 9 of these sites.

 3    You can use TimeTabler in “Interactive” mode, where you can decide where to place each lesson (with information provided to you by TimeTabler on the relative merits of each period / which periods are possible) … in which case, you can take the responsibility to ensure that travel arrangements are workable.
To help with this, you can tick "Show commuting" on the Visual Builder screen, which colour-codes (green or red) each teacher by whether s/he is on the same site as the lesson you are about to place.  See:
Commuting times 

If none of the above fits your case, please ask.

You can also:
- show the site each lesson is on, on the Staff Timetable screen during scheduling (see the options under 'Style')

Further information:
(i) search on "commuting" in the box above.
(ii) this article may also be of interest: 'Federal' timetabling.

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By the TimeTabler Team