Many Primary and Junior schools use TimeTabler ... and it is very popular in Prep schools ... but they tend to use some parts of TimeTabler in a different way from Secondary schools. If you are using TimeTabler in a Primary School, or a Junior School, or a Preparatory School ... then please read our advice on the following before you start:
Primary scheduling:
1) The best way to schedule: How to Schedule a Primary / Junior / Prep School.
If you have any questions about how to apply this to your school, let us know.
See also:
2) Student Experience: if you have students moving from a Primary environment to a Secondary environment, you may find the Student Experience Report useful.
3) Special School: if you are a Special (or small) School, see the article on Special and Small Schools useful.
Secondary scheduling (if you have Primary and Secondary):
If you also have a secondary school, and need to write a timetable for both parts of the school, then:
-- a) if the period timings are the same in both parts: you can just write a single timetable.
-- b) if the period timings are the same, apart from the younger students arriving and leaving earlier: again, you can just write a single timetable.
-- c) if the period timings differ between the 2 parts of the school:
i) If some teachers teach in both parts of the school, you can schedule each in turn using the “blocking-off” / "different timings" method described below **.
ii) Or: if the 2 parts of the school don’t share any teachers (or any other resources) then you can just write 2 completely separate timetables. The easiest way to do this would be to install TimeTabler twice, in two separate folders on your computer (or on two separate computers).
4) ** Different timings: this article on Senior & Junior School Timings explains how to schedule two (or more) timetables with different period-times, when two (or more) schools are linked, or different parts/years of your school operate on different timings.
Note: Licence: If you are using TimeTabler for both your linked Secondary and Primary schools, you will probably need a separate licence for each (usually at a discounted rate for your Primary school) – please check with us at
Any questions about the best method for your school, please ask us on the Support Centre.
By the TimeTabler Team