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Exporting different Periods for different Years

How to Export different period numbers for different parts of the your School

For some schools, their MIS/Admin-System would like them to export the timetable for some years (or parts of the school) to one list of period numbers ... and another part of the school to a different list of period numbers.
Example: the Primary lessons go to periods 1-30, while the Secondary lessons go to periods 31-60.

If you are such a school, then you can do this in TimeTabler by performing the export twice:

 Export 1:    Set the period numbers to those required for 'Primary', and exclude(**) the years that are in the 'Secondary' part of the school ... then Export
 Export 2:    Then do the reverse: set the period numbers to those required for 'Secondary', and exclude the years that are in the 'Primary' part of the school ... then Export.

Excluding certain years from the Export:
** You can exclude certain years at Step 3 of the export; click on 'Prepare your Basic Data', then on 'Years', so you see this screen:

... then double-click on the years you wish to exclude.

- 1) See also the article on Exporting different period numbers to your MIS.
- 2) If you have different timings in different parts of your school, you may prefer to create 2 timetables, using the "blocking-off" feature - more details here.
- 3) Note that some MIS (eg: iSAMS/Ed:gen) import lessons into 'period numbers', while other MIS (eg; Arbor) import lessons into 'start & end times'.

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By the TimeTabler Team