Monitoring for Gender Bias There may be occasions when you wish to monitor your Options groups for possible gender bias. For example: if you want to encourage more girls into Computer Science. [img ...
If you have Options, then you can (if you wish) ask your students to submit their choices online, via our free TOOLS system - and then import these choices into Options. More details on The TOOLS pa...
An explanation of how Reserve choices work in Options : To use Reserve Choices, choose 1 or 2 Reserves on the Populations Screen. When you do this, an extra button appears at the bottom of the Curre...
Sending Emails from TOOLS You can ask for a confirmation email to be sent to each student or parent, after they enter their choices into TOOLS (via Item 2 on the TOOLS Admin Menu). If you are exper...
Options Licence expired All annual Site Licences and Help & Support for Options are synchronised to expire at the end of December. From the 1st December, every time that you start the program, you ar...
TOOLS Admin Password Q: I have forgotten the TOOLS admin password (or got locked out somehow) ... can I reset it A: Solution: To reset the admin password to its default of 'password': > Me...
Options in a Team: If you have two or more people who wish to work on your student options (electives) at the same time, you may find the following useful: -- 1) You can install Options on a networ...
Restore (earlier data) Note: this article refers to a Backup you previously saved to a memory-stick or similar, using TT-Backup. If you are instead trying to restore a Backup/Archive from your Auto-...
Q. Is it possible to Clone an existing Pattern, to allow for some work to occur on the Cloned pattern without changing the original pattern? A1. Yes, you can Clone a pattern: Go to Desi...
Pathways Using Student Pathways in Options: If you are using 'Pathways' in your school (where some students follow one set of choices / pathway, and another group follows a different set of choices ...