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General & Preparation

  • StaffCover - New features in each year

    Each year, we add new features to StaffCover, using items from the WishList that Users contribute to. In many cases these new features have some subtle details that are not included in the printed Han...

  • Loading a new timetable into StaffCover

    There are two ways you can load a new timetable into StaffCover: (Note that whichever method you use, please take at least one Backup before you start , so you can go back if you want/need to).       ...

  • Editing the Timetable [SC]

    Making a change to the Timetable in StaffCover You can make small and global changes to your timetable by going to Customize Overview -> Timetable -> Make a small change from where you can make the ch...

  • Using Cover in a Split-site School [SC]

    Split-site school: Covering for Upper/Lower/Either Site: If you have a split-site school where some (younger) years of students are on one site (Lower) and other (older) years of students are on a dif...

  • Daily teaching limit

    The optional StaffCover 'Daily teaching limit’ feature is useful if you don't want any of your staff to be busy / teaching for more than 'x' periods per day (including cover and meetings, etc). If you...