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Importing Students into Options

At the start of the Student Options process, you will want to get a list of your Students and their Choices into Options.  You can do this in any one of 3 ways:

1) Manually:  Simply type in your Students' Names, and their Choices.

2) From a File (or from Excel):   In this method, you can:

-- Import your students and choices into Options from SIMS by following these instructions: Import into Options from SIMS

-- Or into Options from Arbor like this: Import into Options from Arbor

-- Or into Options from iSAMS like this: Import into Options from iSAMS

-- Or into Options from SEEMiS like this: Import into Options from SEEMiS

-- Or into Options from Integris ... or from PCSchool ... by clicking on "Standard formatson the Import Screen in Options, then select your MIS.

-- Or if you have your students (and optionally their choices) in another file format (eg: CSV file, or Excel file, which is easily created in MIS such as WCBS PASS/3Sys, Bromcom, etc) then you can import this file into Options via 'Students & Choices -> Import Students'.

The file can have its fields in any order, but an example might be:
... etc (one line per student) ...

3) Over the Internet:  If you use one of the above two methods to get just your Students' names into Options, then you can ask your Students or their Parents to enter their own Choices on-line, using our "TOOLSSystem.  More details on our website.

(i) You can also import your Subjects into Options ; see here.
(ii) Exporting: For MIS who support it, you can also export from Options into your MIS, at the end of the Options process.  See: Exporting from Options


Choose files or drag and drop files

By the TimeTabler Team