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Individual Student Timetables in Options

Q.  I am trying to produce Student Timetables in Options.  I have imported the data from TimeTabler but the student timetables are incorrect/incomplete.  I have read the pages in the orange Handbook on this topic.
A.  We have looked at your data and there 3 types of problems with it.
The Block labels you have given lessons in TimeTabler do not match the Block they are in on your pattern in Options.  For example, the first lesson, for Geography  has a Block Label of 'B' in TimeTabler, but there is no Geography group in Block B on your pattern in Options (Gg is in Block C or Block E, but not Block B).
So I think you could get all these lessons imported successfully into Options if you spent some time in TimeTabler setting-up the correct Block Labels  (Or edited the pattern in Options, if TimeTabler is actually correct and it is the pattern in Options which is wrong ?)
There seem to be a few mismatches between the Subjects in TimeTabler and in Options.
For example, in TimeTabler you have a subject "It" (Italian).
In Options, there is no "It" but there is an "IT" - but it represents ICT, which in TimeTabler is called "ICT".  So you need to rationalise some of the subjects.
The problem with the setted subjects (eg. Maths) seems to occur because Options is looking for set Numbers and TimeTabler is using set Letters. 




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By the TimeTabler Team