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Subject Levels (in Options)

Subjects and Levels

Scottish schools (especially) often have to specify not just a Subject (eg. Physics) but also the Level it is being taught at (eg. National  Level 3, 4, 5, 45, H).   So if Physics is taught at 5 levels (say) then  Physics has to be entered as 5 separate subjects. There is a feature to help with this.

On  the  Subjects Screen, first tick "Use Levels", then for each subject, use characters 1-4 of the ‘subject abbreviation’ to store the Subject, and then characters 5 & 6 to store the Level.  So in the Physics example above, you might have subject abbreviations like this:

Phys 3
Phys 4
Phys 5
Phys H

On the Student Choices Screen, because this method requires you to have a lot of subjects (5 for Physics alone in the example above), the screen at 'Students & Choices ➠ Choices' now has the option to tick “Compact view”.
If you do this, then all the Physics subjects above are shown as just one  choice, eg. +Phys .

If you click on   +Phys  you are then asked which of the 5 Physics ‘Subjects/Levels’ you want.   This method makes the list of subjects manageable, even if you have a lot of subjects.

You can tick/untick ‘Compact view’ to switch the feature on/off as you wish.

Note: if you are wanted information on Levels in TimeTabler when exporting to (say) SIMS: these are added during the export process - see the export documentation, or ask us.

Choose files or drag and drop files

By the TimeTabler Team