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Different Cycle-formats

Different Cycle-formats for different Schedules

If you wish to maintain schedules with different cycles (number of days and periods) then you can do this as follows:

a) Define a Cycle:
Go to 'Customize -> Day & Period Labels', choose a cycle-format to edit (from the drop-down list at the top of the screen) ... choose your number of days & periods (top-right) ... and then label your periods using the various pages/tabs.

b) Assign a Cycle to a Schedule:
When you create a new schedule, it will take its number of days and periods from the default template (at 'Basic Data -> School Structure') ... so make sure this is as you want it, before you create the Schedule.


-- 1) If you go to 'Basic Data -> School Structure', then the settings shown here are those of the last Schedule you loaded or looked at.   So if you are moving between different Schedules with different cycles, this screen will change each time, to show the latest.  The purpose of this 'School Structure' screen, is simply to act as the default/template when you start a new Schedule.

-- 2) A red period on the 'Day & Period Labels' screen, denotes a blocked/excluded period.  These can be cleared or updated via 'Schedule -> Global change to current schedule -> Change some blocked periods' (or 'Clear all blocked periods').

-- 3) If you have a Schedule which has the correct number of days and periods, but the wrong period labels (or start/finish times) then: Go to your List of Schedules, and click on 'Details' for the Schedule you wish to look at.  You can change various details about the Schedule here, and one of these is the Cycle.   Choose the format you require (as set-up in 'step a' above) and the labels will change for this Schedule.

-- 4) There is a special cycle-format called "MIS Cycle format" ... this is used under certain conditions when you export to your MIS: see this article.

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By the TimeTabler Team