Which Options Method is best for you ? There are 3 main types of structure (with 7 variations) that schools use for their Options ... which one is best for your school? Our e-book on this discusses: t...
Setting-up Rules in TOOLS There are a few ways to set rules in TOOLS: 1) Use the 'CHOOSE ONE' Sections: In the Admin Panel of TOOLS, you can set-up one or more 'CHOOSE ONE' Sections, which say t...
Reserve Choices On the Populations Screen, choose 1 or 2 from the drop-down marked 'Allow a Reserve?' and then click Apply. An extra Choice box (or 2, if you selected 2 reserves) then appears on the S...
If you are hosting TOOLS yourself, on your school server, and hit a problem, the following comments from schools who solved their problems, may be useful: -- Apache and mySQL posed problems on my Win ...
How to Amalgamate Choices/Levels (in Options) Note: there are 2 ways in which you might 'amalgamate' in Options - this is method A (before creating a pattern) You can ‘amalgamate’ (or combine) specifi...
Diploma Courses This article explains how to deal with 14-19 Diploma or other courses with several components: Options can: -- handle courses that span across 2 or more Option Blocks, and -- even if t...
Double Subjects (in Options) Double Subjects (a double option) occur when students have to study a subject which spans over 2 option blocks (ie. with double the amount of time). There are 3 steps you ...
Choice Rules Note that there are two kinds of Rules in Options. This article discusses the Rules that you can apply to verify that the Students have chosen their Choices correctly. [See a separate art...
Differing number of Options Choices Q. Not all my (A-level) students will make the same number of Choices. How do I handle this? A. You use a Subject called Free: If you have said that yo...