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How can I pay ?

How can I pay for your software, training vouchers, manuals, etc ?

You can pay by any of these methods

--1) By electronic bank transfer (BACS, CHAPS, etc) - please ask for our Bank details, or if you have an invoice then it is shown there.  (Please also let us know at when the transfer has taken place, with the reference number that you used).

--2) By cheque (made payable to "October Resolutions Ltd" ... and drawn on a UK sort-code).

--3) If you wish to purchase by credit card (via PayPal), go to  If you use this method, then also send us an email when you have made the payment.

To find the amount to pay:

--a) For the initial purchase of TimeTabler , Options or StaffCover, [which includes the first year's licence fee], see the Order Form at:

--b) For the annual licence and Upgrade, see one of the recent monthly NewsLetters or visit: 

You can find more information here:  How to Buy.

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By the TimeTabler Team