The problem :
On some screens, the Priority Screen particularly, I find that the scroll bars are covering up some of the buttons that I want to use. It looks as though some buttons are missing.
Reason :
This is probably because of your Windows Settings; your computer has been set up to use a large font.
Solution :
1. On the Windows Desktop, right-click and choose 'Properties' then 'Appearance'. Then in the Fonts box at the bottom ensure it says 'Normal' (not Large), and
1. On the Windows Desktop, right-click and choose 'Properties' then 'Appearance'. Then in the Fonts box at the bottom ensure it says 'Normal' (not Large), and
2. On the Windows Desktop, right-click and choose 'Properties' then 'Settings' then 'Advanced'. Then in the DPI Settings box ensure that it says 'Normal size (96 DPI)' (not 120).
By the TimeTabler Team