Some buttons are missing or obscured on my screen display
Missing or obscured buttons:
Q. I am having an issue with some of the dialog boxes, in that the lower part of the boxes are obscuring the buttons within them.
This means I cannot see all of the options that should be available to me.
A. It's probably because of the screen settings for that monitor.
Here are some typical screen settings, taken from one of our PCs, for you to compare against your settings (but note that different versions of Windows have slightly different paths to change these settings):
a) If I right-click on the Desktop, and then choose Screen Resolution:
Mobile PC Display
1280 x 720 (are you able to change your screen resolution to 1280 x 720 or similar ? We did find someone who had problems with some resolutions, but when he changed to 1280 x 720 it worked).
Extend these displays [for 2nd monitor/screen]
b) If I right-click on the Desktop, and then choose Personalize:
Display: Smaller -100% (default)
ClearType: Turn on
Set Custom text size : Custom DPI setting
9 point Segoe UI at 96 pixels per inch
Use Windows XP style DPI scaling
c) If I right-click on the Desktop, and then choose Graphics Properties:
Display, General, Scaling : Scale Full Screen
d) If I right-click on the Desktop, and then choose View:
Small icons
Try some of these, and see if one of them helps ? If they do not, let us know on the Support Centre.
By the TimeTabler Team