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Listing the Teachers who are Free

How do I find the Teachers who are Free in any period?

Towards the end of the scheduling process, perhaps when you are scheduling Lower School, you may have a problem that could be solved quickly by swapping the expected teacher for another (free) teacher.
But who is free in this particular time-slot ?

You can see a list by right-clicking on the problem time-slot, on any of the following screens, to see a Menu:
-  Class Timetable Screen,
-  Staff Timetable Screen,
-  Visual Builder Screen.

On the right-click Menu, choose 'List free teachers'.
TimeTabler then shows you a list of all the staff that are free in this period:

The format is:
JR  (J. Rose)        Eng.           13

meaning JR is free this period,
her main subject is Eng
and her current workload is just 13 periods.

So you can see, of the people who are free, who has the right Subject expertise, and if it means a change to workload (rather than a straight swap), who would be the best person to use.

You can also get a list of Free Staff & Rooms by going to the Print Menu (see Section J20 in your Manual).


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By the TimeTabler Team