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3-Scheduling your timetable

  • Teacher & Student Well-being

    Teacher and Student Well-being:       Teacher Well-being is an increasingly important aspect of school life. Research shows that there is a positive correlation between teacher Well-being and measur...

  • How are rooms assigned during scheduling ?

    How are Rooms assigned to Lessons during Scheduling ? You can assign rooms to your lessons as you schedule, or leave them room-less and assign rooms at the end, or a combination of the two.    ...

  • Checking & Improving the Quality of your timetable

    Checking & Improving the Quality of your timetable at the end of scheduling (or mid-scheduling) Creating a Quality timetable (for your students and for your staff) is all-important.  TimeTabler helps...

  • Teacher Workload

    Teacher or Staff WorkLoad The 'WorkLoad' of each teacher / member of staff, is the number of periods he or she is teaching on the schedule, across the entire timetable cycle.  It can be viewed on var...

  • Long Lessons

    Reviewing Long(er) Lessons It can be a good idea to review your timetable for the 'flow' of longer lessons (doubles, triples, etc) through the week or cycle ... so you are aware of how the week 'look...

  • Cover Rota on your Timetable

    Including an On-call Cover Rota on your Timetable For an on-call rota or cover for staff absences, to be included in your timetable, see: -- 'Worked Example 20' in Section I of the Manual -- the art...

  • Editing during Scheduling

    How to Edit lessons on your Schedule You can do this in many different ways - some of the most commonly used are:      -------------------------      On the main 'Visual Builder' screen: [img src="h...

  • How are Lessons assigned during scheduling ?

    Assigning Lessons to the Schedule: How does TimeTabler find or recommend the best period ? TimeTabler uses many factors for this, including: - lesson-spacing (spreading-out lessons of the same activ...

  • Auto-Assign PPA (preparation time)

    Assign PPA (or any other staff label / duty) Overview If you need to assign periods for PPA (Planning, Preparation & Assessment) for all your staff, you can just do it manually, in the usual way, as ...

  • FIT Routine

    The TimeTabler 'FIT' Routine 'FIT' (also known as 'Musical Chairs') and also used by the 'Auto-FIT' and 'Move' routines ... is a way to ask TimeTabler to move existing lessons around on the timetable...