How to use the Edit button to edit the selected outstanding Activity (on the Visual Builder screen) Question: I want to change an activity while I am scheduling. ie. after I have loaded the batch int...
Reasons for a 'Red error report' when you close a Schedule When you Close a Schedule in TimeTabler you will sometimes be shown a Report which may contain Red, Blue, Green and/or Orange messages. ...
Clone (Copy) a Schedule At any time, you can 'clone' an existing Schedule, so you now have a 'copy' of that Schedule that you can work on. The advantages of cloning / why you might want to do this, a...
Q. I have a large number of periods in my cycle : what do you advise? A. If you have a lot of periods in your timetable cycle, and so the cells in your time line appear squashed up on the sc...
Sites and Rooms Q. Why are some of the lessons in my activities not being allocated Rooms during scheduling? A. The most likely reason is that you are using Sites. Sites allow you to place a...
What is a Kickout ?: By a Kickout we mean a lesson that apparently doesn't fit anywhere on your timetable (and so cannot be scheduled) ... its staff and/or its students are not all free in any period ...
Global Room Changes If you need to make Global Room changes, throughout the timetable, (or if you have chosen to leave your rooming until you have finished scheduling), then there is a fast way to do ...
Out of Block Lessons In the final stages of scheduling a Sixth Form [Years/Grades 12/13] you may have to move individual lessons 'out of block' or OOB. This can help in solving problems in the Sixth ...
R-Reserving on the Container Block Screen During scheduling, if you load a new Batch which contains activities in a Container Block, then the very first thing to do is to R-Reserve the best time-sl...
Problem: I cannot see the 'Back' button in order to close the Class (or Staff, or Room) Timetable Screen Background: At the bottom-right of the Class Timetable Screen [section F15 in your Manual] ther...