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Double-booked Rooms

A 'double-booked room' is one that has 2 (or more) teachers in it, in the same period.
Sometimes you may want/mean a room to be double-booked (eg: 2 PE teachers are both in the Gym, looking after Year 7) ... other times it may be a mistake that you wish to correct.

      How do I know if a room has been 'double-booked' ?
You will be warned each time you close your Schedule (as a green warning).
You can also run a report at any time, to tell you about any possible rooming problems, at: 'Check & Tidy -> Rooming Check":
      How do I change the room if I want/need to ?
There are several ways you can do this, for example:

-- a) go into the Current Schedule, go to the Class Timetable view, double-click on the lesson whose room you wish to change, then just edit the room:
 ... or if you want consistent rooming across all lessons of this activity, click the "Room" button:-- b) go into the "Check & Tidy -> Room Timetable Screen" and drag-&-drop lessons between rooms:

Further reading:  search on "room" for several other articles about rooming your timetable.

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By the TimeTabler Team