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3-Scheduling your timetable

  • Exchange 2 blocks of time (or 2 lessons)

    How to Swap or Exchange two Time-slots   Q    I have scheduled my timetable; having reviewed it, can I swap-over Tuesday afternoon with Friday afternoon ?   A    Yes - if you go into the Current Sched...

  • Auto-staffing

    Auto-staffed Lessons What is Auto-staffing ? Auto-Staffing is when you leave an Activity (or a group within an Activity) with no Teacher (unstaffed).  When you schedule this Activity (or group), TimeT...

  • Teacher Clashes

    Teacher 'Clashes'   Q    I am used to entering 'teacher clashes' in my old timetabling software (eg: Nova-T) ... now I have moved to TimeTabler, can I enter them there ?   A   In TimeTabler, each of y...

  • Quality Report

    There is usually more than one timetable that you could create, for any given curriculum / starting point (and depending on what compromises you are willing to make).  But they will not all be of the ...

  • Double-booked Rooms

    A 'double-booked room' is one that has 2 (or more) teachers in it, in the same period. Sometimes you may want/mean a room to be double-booked (eg: 2 PE teachers are both in the Gym, looking after Year...

  • 'Multi-Access' or 'Multi-User'

    'Multi-Access' and 'Multi-User' We find that occasionally confusion can arise between these two terms - and some third-party HelpDesks may confuse/conflate them. The first is easily possible; the seco...

  • Student Experience Report

    Student Experience The Student Experience Report allows you to review a year of students, and see how many different teachers and rooms, etc, the students are likely to see in a given week. This can b...

  • Clearing Excluded / Blocked periods

    An excluded (or blocked) period is one you have marked as not being able to contain any lessons.   Q    I am in the middle of scheduling**, but I want to clear periods that I blanked off / excluded / ...

  • How can I find the best time for a meeting ?

    How can I find the best time in the week for a Meeting? On the Staff Timetable Screen (see section F12 in your Manual), click on the Teachers button (at the bottom of the screen). A sub-screen appears...

  • Timetabling for Social Distancing

    During the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, if you want some hints & tips about how to timetable for social distancing, see the special PDF we have prepared, at:  At...