Exporting TGNs
Q. Problem: the Export process is not creating independent teaching sets for subjects block-taught : Maths, English, Science etc.
A. Looking at the data you sent, the problem is that only the first 2 characters of the Set labels are used in your Teaching Group Names, and your Maths sets are called "Set 1", "Set 2" and "Set 3" ... which means they all look like they belong to set "Se" when exported. Similarly for English & Science.
The answer is a quick one .... just go to "Customize -> Set labels -> Edit free form labels" and change "Set 1" to simply "1", "Set 2" to simply "2", etc.
Then do the export again, and at Step 5, click on "View Teaching Groups" ...this should now show you three distinct Maths groups called 9zMat1, 9zMat2, 9zMat3 (whereas at the moment, you see one Maths set called 9zMatSe).
[It is worth checking all the other groups at this stage, too, before you continue with the export].
By the TimeTabler Team