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iSAMS : Exporting Students from Options to iSAMS

Exporting your completed Pattern from Options to iSAMS

When you have used Options to create a good Pattern of Subjects in blocks, and populated them in such a way as to get good Student Satisfaction, then you will want to get the Names of the students into the correct Teaching Groups in iSAMS.

There are 2 ways of doing this:

In Options print out the Teaching Groups lists (see page 47 in the Options Handbook) and then type the students' Names into the correct Teaching Groups in iSAMS. This can be tedious and there is the danger of mistyping.

or, much better,

Use the method described in this article. It transfers the data electronically from Options to iSAMS.
This populates the option groups, ensures accuracy and will save you a lot of typing time.
To download the article, click on: Exporting-from-Options-to-iSAMS.pdf


Choose files or drag and drop files

By the TimeTabler Team