Advice on entering an existing timetable into TimeTabler, or transferring an existing timetable from another timetabling system into TimeTabler:
Can I enter my existing timetable into TimeTabler ?
Yes. If you are new to TimeTabler and have an existing timetable (either on paper, or in Excel, or in another system) ... then you can (re-)enter this existing timetable into TimeTabler ... but you may find that it takes you longer than creating a new timetable from scratch in TimeTabler.
Why might it be a long job ?
The reason it is usually harder than doing the timetable from scratch, is because you still have to enter all the basic data, and then TimeTabler will be calculating / suggesting that you place lessons differently from where you did on paper (or in your old system), so you will need to keep choosing something different from its suggestions. You can of course over-ride TimeTabler each time, but it will probably take longer than if you had just accepted the suggestions.
In a real scheduling situation you would let TimeTabler suggest (or place) the best periods automatically … but since you are trying to emulate an existing timetable you will have to assign each lesson manually, one by one, to the pre-determined places on your existing timetable.
Some possible suggestions that may help:
- 1) Before you begin, make sure you have a printout of your existing timetable, as a "Class Timetable" and as a "Staff Timetable".
- 2) Would your school accept a change in which days & periods your lessons are newly timetabled ? If they would, you could create a new timetable in TimeTabler and start it after half-term (say). It may be a better quality timetable !
- 3) Of course, this is only a problem in year 1, when you have an existing timetable. In future years, you will do the entire process (quicker) in TimeTabler.
- 4) Rooming is usually best left until the end of scheduling, when you can quickly room your lessons, one teacher at a time, on the Room Timetable screen.
- 5) If you have any questions or wonder if you are doing it the quickest way, please ask our Team on the Support Centre.
The "Transfer my Timetable" Service:
If you would prefer a timetabling expert to perform the transfer for you, please contact us or see here for details and prices: Timetable transfer to TimeTabler.
If we can help in any way, let us know.
By the TimeTabler Team