HelpMovies with a slow internet connection
Q1. My internet speed is not good enough for me to watch the HelpMovies online. What can I do?
A1. If you click on the HelpMovie link [via the icon at the top-right of most screens]
…and then on the first screen click on the ‘start’ icon [big triangle]
…and then as soon as the first screen appears, click on the ‘Start/Pause’ icon [at the bottom-left, so that the movie is ‘paused’; and it shows a triangle]
…then your computer ought to ‘stream’ download the data for the movie [perhaps slowly].
You should be able to see this by the white stripe moving along the time-line at the bottom.
When the movie has downloaded then you can click on the ‘Start/Pause’ icon to run the movie.
Q2. I am using the (extremely helpful) video tutorials. Two HelpMovies keep crashing half-way through and I can’t work out how to get them to finish.
A2. The two HelpMovies you referred to are both very big [12 MB and 11 MB] and depending on
--your broadband speed, and
--how busy our site is, and
--how much buffering memory you have on your machine,
the delivery speed may be reduced.
If you look carefully on the HelpMovie screen at the bottom time-line [which begins with the start/stop button] you can see a brighter part of the line which shows how much of the file has been downloaded so far.
If the white square [indicating "now"] catches up with the brighter line, then the movie will stop until more has been downloaded.
So perhaps after you click on the HelpMovie name you should wait a while before clicking on the start arrow, to give time for the file to download.
See also the other article in this KnowledgeBase, at:
Problem downloading HelpMovie
By the TimeTabler Team