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Proxy and related error messages

Messages you may see when downloading (proxy warning, 407 error, etc):

  Q     When I use "> Check for Updates" I see an error message.

  A     The problem and solution is usually one of the following:

1) "407 Error":

Many schools have a proxy server which does not allow you direct connection to the internet.

In such cases, after you click on >Check for Updates you will need to click on the Customize button and then enter:
--the Server Name,
--the UserName, and
--the Password,
of the proxy server.
You can get these from your IT Manager.

If the Proxy server is set to ON but the username/password is entered wrongly then it will not download the update.
If you do not log-in correctly (with the correct password etc) then you may get a 407 error.

2) Proxy or other error messages:

If you receive a different warning, first check that if you don't have a proxy, you have 'Use Proxy' turned off.    Click on 'Check for Updates', then on 'Using Proxy Server ?'

3) System protections or permissions:

If your IT Manager does not allow downloads of EXE files then you will have to either:
-- use your laptop on your broadband connection at home for your timetabling**, or
-- use >Check for Updates on your (desktop) computer at home, ...and then transfer the downloaded file (called Setup.exe) to a memorystick, ...and bring that into school, and then run the file on the school (desktop) machine.

**The annual Licence allows you to install the software on your machine at Home providing it is only for the purposes of your school.

4) Port: How can I change the proxy port from Port 80 ?

Q1. In "Check for Updates", how can I change the proxy port from Port 80 ?

A. Click on 'Check for Updates' and then on 'Using Proxy Server ?".
Tick "Use proxy ?" and then complete the details for your proxy.

Q2. When emailing cover-slips to colleagues, how can I change the port ?

A. Go to "Customize -> Emailing colleagues -> Email setup for cover-slips".
Then click "Advanced Settings" and choose the "Port number" you require.

Any other problems, let us know on the Support Centre.


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By the TimeTabler Team