For TimeTabler to work (or Options or StaffCover), all the files within the folder where the software is installed MUST have both Read and Write permissions.
If any file has 'Read-only' permission then you will get a warning or error message, and perhaps an 'Access Violation' message.
To make sure that the files are not 'Read-only', do as follows [in this example it is described for TimeTabler]:
[Note: By default TimeTabler is installed at C:\TT4win and the steps below assume this; if you have installed to a different folder then adjust accordingly]
-- Go into "My Computer -> Local Disk C".
-- Right-click on the folder "TT4Win" and choose "Properties".
-- On the "General" tab, make sure "Read-only" and "Hidden" are both un-ticked.
-- Then click OK and then select "Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files" and click OK again.
(Confusingly, if you now look at the Properties again, the read-only is still ticked (!) but I think this is because folders themselves are marked as read-only for some reason, but the files within them should now all be write-able).
By the TimeTabler Team