How does StaffCover find the best person to cover for an absence or event ? The short answer is that it applies the rules that you have set-up. There are lots of possible rules for you to apply or cu...
An explanation of the ‘Tend-to-Maximum’ cover method (used mainly by schools in Malta): This is a simpler method for deciding who should provide the cover, which downplays all the usual calculations ...
Look-Ahead Look-ahead is a feature in StaffCover that allows you to quickly see what any future date is likely to look like (how busy, who has already said they'll be away, how easy it is likely to be...
How to cover an 'unusual' event in StaffCover If you have an event or circumstance which is not easily covered by the usual features in StaffCover, you may be able to use one of these features: - Spec...
Additional Notes You can set-up “Additional Notes” – free-format notes that appear on your Master Cover Timetable (and the first 2 lines appear on Cover Slips too). To do this, go to “Today -> Addi...
Helping to ensure your students maintain daily physical activity The 'Encourage Activity' feature in StaffCover, helps your students to have some physical activity each day, even if their PE Teacher (...
Is an Activity stored as a Special Location (in TimeTabler) covered by StaffCover ? Special Locations are not normally covered by StaffCover. But occasionally a Special Location does need covering, i...
The 'Go to tomorrow' feature in StaffCover allows you to work on tomorrow's cover while it is still today ... so you are better prepared when you come in tomorrow morning. As a rule, it is best to onl...
Covering Registration A How to cover registration: To Cover Registration in StaffCover there are 2 possible ways forward: -- 1) Include a Registration period(s) as part of the timetabled day**, ...
StaffCover: Two questions on covering lessons in the Sixth-Form: 1 In the Sixth-Form, we cover L6th but not U6th: Q. In StaffCover, we want to cover L6 (Year 12) but not U6 (Year 13) - is this po...