Each morning, you can ask StaffCover to send emails to your colleagues to describe the cover situation today. You can email cover-slips to: * all the people who are providing cover today (so they ...
Emailing the Cover Timetable to the Head of Department Q I use your emailing feature to email all my staff with their Cover timetables for today. But I also want a copy of the email to go to eac...
Joined / Joint / Merged Classes In StaffCover, when classes (usually small ones) are joined together in order to reduce the number of covering teachers required, then the XML Export file at ‘Review -...
Problem when Emailing Q I am experiencing the following error message in StaffCover when I click the 'Send emails' button: Error Message : Software caused connection abort ---------------------...
On occasion, you may wish / need to edit the Cover Statistics in StaffCover: ------------------------- Q1 . My statistics for yesterday, don't seem to have been saved. Why is this ? A. The mo...
Private Notes [SC] Q. Can I stop printing the 'Notes' beside staff names when publishing cover? I use the note section to record extra information regarding an absence but don't want it to go on C...
Cover Slips: period labels Q. We have an 8 teaching-period day of the form: 3 break 2 lunch 3 ... so I created a Day structure of 10 periods where periods 4 and 7 are not available for either sta...
Q. How do we stop the Set Name being printed on the Cover-slips? A. Go to Print -> Publishing your Cover timetable -> Show Set numbers and untick it. ...
Email Authentication Q. We have problems trying to configure StaffCover to authenticate to an SMTP server in order to send emails to staff ... our staff cover emails are being dumped into junk em...
To print the number of absences for each member of staff, in StaffCover go to Statistics -> Teacher absence records. Then highlight the required Teacher, then click on 'Print details...' Then select t...