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4a-Printing out your timetable

  • 'Draft' label on the Printouts

    Issuing 'Draft' timetables Overview When you think your timetable is ready (or close to ready), you will want to issue individual Staff timetables to all your staff, and ask them to check them and let...

  • Sharing your (partly-)completed timetable with colleagues

    Sharing your timetable with colleagues: You may wish to show the completed or partly-completed timetable to some of your colleagues.  - eg. for discussion during the scheduling stage.  - eg. asking fo...

  • How can I get the most compact printouts?

    Small or Compact Printouts: If you want 'compact' printouts of your timetable - for example, to fit on a smaller piece of paper ... then these can be achieved in any of several ways: -- Click here for...

  • Preview Screen not displaying

    Print Preview Screen If the Preview Screen for any of the final Printouts (on the Print menu, Section J of the Manual) only shows a small (white) box at the top left of the Preview area: ... this is a...