Import & Review any changes made in your MIS Overview: After the completed timetable is exported to your MIS, you or the MIS Manager are likely to make minor changes to the timetable stored in y...
As well as all the specific exports from TimeTabler to over 40 MIS/SIS/Admin-Systems around the World, you can also choose to create your own customized export file. This is described in Section L of ...
'Shared Courses' in Arbor If you have subscribed to the 'Shared Courses module' in Arbor, (also known as 'Shared Teaching') then Arbor give the following advice on how to work in TimeTabler, and expor...
Exporting different staff / subject / room codes to your MIS, from the ones you are using in TimeTabler Teachers (Staff Initials or Staff Codes) We have 3-character codes in TimeTabler (they're b...
If you are importing into SIMS and using the SIMS Multiple Timetables / Multiple Licences feature, then this advice from ESS-SIMS is important: Advice from ESS-SIMS: -- 1) In order for a school using ...
Exporting to SIMS when it is Hosted If you have a version of which is Hosted (maybe known as Connected SIMS), then you can export to it from TimeTabler, in the usual way (as used by hundreds ...
Export different period numbers / 'map' periods in your MIS Sometimes your MIS may expect different period numbers from the ones you have used in TimeTabler. For example, if Registration or Lunch are ...
Exporting individual staff timetables from TimeTabler to display each day in Outlook Calendar You can export your completed timetable from TimeTabler as a CSV file for each teacher, which can then be ...
Exporting to your MIS: different day structure If your timetable (in TimeTabler) has a different day structure from the day structure in your MIS, then see the article in this PDF....
How are 'soft' and 'hard' Pool Teachers exported ? Q. I have a timetable with many Pool Teachers. If I don't have time to change all the 'soft' allocations into 'hard' ones, when the data is exp...