Silent installs: Silent install for TimeTabler: Our installer is a simple ‘Setup.EXE’ file**, which we can send you either as a download or on a CD. We’ve just found this the simplest way. M...
Cloud applications (also known as SaaS, Software as a Service) are increasingly seen as the future of MIS software in schools and colleges ... and for MIS there are clear benefits. But for school time...
Remove / Uninstall If you need to uninstall TimeTabler for any reason, then you won't be able to do it via Add/Remove programs ... this is because, to keep things simple, we don't register TimeTabler...
Installing an Update The 4 steps to download & install the Upgrade are shown here []. See also this article [
Keeping your software up-to-date: All our software has two types of update: -- 1) Major Update: this happens once a year - you order it and it will be sent to you by email (to download) or CD. For...
No Internet Access If you do not have internet access on your desktop computer, but you do on another computer (say your laptop) ... then you can download an update to your laptop, using its internet...
Moving the program and data to a new computer: If you purchase a new computer and want to install TimeTabler or Options or StaffCover on it, together with any data that you have entered, there are 2 ...
I have installed an Upgrade (or update) on my computer. How do I install it on another (second) computer as well ? If you: -- download a major annual Upgrade, or: -- download a minor regular update (...
(Note: this discussion refers to TimeTabler, but the same is true for our other software: Options & StaffCover) How many copies can I install ?: The TimeTabler Licence allows you to install two (or...
Running TimeTabler on an Apple Mac, Chromebook, Linux, etc TimeTabler (and our other programs; Options & StaffCover) are written for Windows, but we do have quite a few schools who use them on a Mac...