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4a-Printing out your timetable

  • How can I put the timetables on the school web site?

    Displaying Staff & Class Timetables on your School WebSite This is easily done, by using the Export -> to web-page (HTML) button at the bottom of each Timetable Printout Screen (for 'master' and for i...

  • Subject timetables

    How do I get a Subject timetable in TimeTabler? Just go to the Print section (ie. step 4) and click on the button labelled Subject. You can choose between: -- 'master', which shows (for example) all t...

  • Can I email a timetable to my colleagues?

    Yes - it is always a good idea to involve colleagues, and there are a few ways you can do this: Method 1.Each of the Print Screens (shown in section J of the Manual) has an Export -> to web-page butto...

  • Printing my Timetable

    How to Print your Timetable You can print your school timetable in a variety of ways - start by clicking here: ... and then choose the type of printout: Staff Classes Rooms Subjects Departments ... th...

  • Evaluating your Timetable

    Reviewing and Evaluating the Timetable you have created        Overview Once it is in operation, it is important to evaluate your timetable, ideally in the first half-term of the new school year (Sept...

  • Staff Hours

    How do my staff spend their time ? if you wish to see how much time each of your teachers spends on different tasks (teaching a lesson, PPA / preparation time, free periods, at home / part-timer) then...

  • Class Timetable Printouts: 'Advanced' Settings

    The 'Advanced' button on the Master Class Timetable and Individual Class Timetable printout screens, allows you to customize and fine-tune how your class timetable will look.   See the Manual - and th...

  • Swap the Time-axis on a Printout

    Time-axis For consistency throughout TimeTabler, 'time' (days & periods) runs horizontally on all the screens and reports / printouts.   Staff, Classes, Subjects, etc run vertically on these screens. ...

  • Split a Period

    Spacing lessons / Social distancing In TimeTabler, you may wish to split a period and then space-out the lessons in that period (for example, to help with social distancing). The following documentati...

  • Changing the Year Numbers

    I wish to change the Year Numbers for my school:   Q.       I scheduled my timetable using Year Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ...but now I find that my MIS expects NC Year Numbers of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12...