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2-Entering your Activities in Batches

  • Starting a New Year in TimeTabler

    New Year in  TimeTabler If you are starting (or beginning to prepare for) a New Year in TimeTabler, you may find the following useful:        Articles: -  clear old items [

  • School inspection : what should we provide?

    School Inspection   Q.   We are due to have a school inspection soon.  Have you any suggestions about what curricular and timetable information we should provide to the inspectors?   A.   Inspectors...

  • My Curriculum Diagram is not showing correctly ?

    Curriculum Diagram: appearance The problem: After I have entered my activity-batches, and then view the Curriculum Diagram on the Curriculum Diagram Screen [section D], the diagram for some years is ...

  • Scheduling IB blocks

    Scheduling your IB** blocks / columns ** International Baccalaureate, or 'bac' or 'bacc', or DP, Diploma Programme (Similarly for the EB, the European Baccalaureate.) Does your school provide IB to y...

  • Entering a Circus / Carousel / Rota / Rotation

    I have a Circus / Carousel / Rota / Rotation / Round Robin : How do I enter it in TimeTabler ? These are alternative names for a simple curricular structure that is often used in Technology, and whic...

  • Promoting a Batch, to a higher Year

    Promoting a Batch (for example, from Year 10 to Year 11): At the end of the year, you do not need to re-enter all the activities for the new Year 11 ... as it will typically be similar to last year's...

  • How can I add Labels to my timetable? (eg: PPA)

    How can I add Labels to my Schedule ? There are at least 9 different ways to add Labels to your timetable printouts:  1.   Set Labels For example, Maths 'Sets' can be shown on the Printouts in the fo...

  • Combining Classes that are in different school Years

    How to combine Classes that are in different school Years ('Vertical' Classes): Combining Classes in the same Year: If there are two or more classes in the same year, then it is easy to combine them,...

  • How should I deal with a Reception (or Nursery) class?

    Reception or Nursery If you need to schedule lessons for your Reception class (or a Nursery class / Kindergarten), then you can add an extra Year for it. You can label this year R. Similarly, if you...

  • 'Set' numbers and 'Set' letters

    Format of Set Labels You can (optionally) give any lesson a set label. By default, TimeTabler uses Numbers for labelling 'Sets'. eg. Maths Set1, Maths Set2, etc. You can change the labelling to be l...