New Year in TimeTabler If you are starting (or beginning to prepare for) a New Year in TimeTabler, you may find the following useful: Articles: - clear old items [
School Inspection Q. We are due to have a school inspection soon. Have you any suggestions about what curricular and timetable information we should provide to the inspectors? A. Inspectors...
Curriculum Diagram: appearance The problem: After I have entered my activity-batches, and then view the Curriculum Diagram on the Curriculum Diagram Screen [section D], the diagram for some years is ...
Scheduling your IB** blocks / columns ** International Baccalaureate, or 'bac' or 'bacc', or DP, Diploma Programme (Similarly for the EB, the European Baccalaureate.) Does your school provide IB to y...
I have a Circus / Carousel / Rota / Rotation / Round Robin : How do I enter it in TimeTabler ? These are alternative names for a simple curricular structure that is often used in Technology, and whic...
Promoting a Batch (for example, from Year 10 to Year 11): At the end of the year, you do not need to re-enter all the activities for the new Year 11 ... as it will typically be similar to last year's...
How can I add Labels to my Schedule ? There are at least 9 different ways to add Labels to your timetable printouts: 1. Set Labels For example, Maths 'Sets' can be shown on the Printouts in the fo...
How to combine Classes that are in different school Years ('Vertical' Classes): Combining Classes in the same Year: If there are two or more classes in the same year, then it is easy to combine them,...
Reception or Nursery If you need to schedule lessons for your Reception class (or a Nursery class / Kindergarten), then you can add an extra Year for it. You can label this year R. Similarly, if you...
Format of Set Labels You can (optionally) give any lesson a set label. By default, TimeTabler uses Numbers for labelling 'Sets'. eg. Maths Set1, Maths Set2, etc. You can change the labelling to be l...