Overview: There may be occasions when you wish to compare the timetable in TimeTabler with the one in your MIS (eg: Arbor or iSAMS). Note: if you are wanting to compare TimeTabler with Nova-T, rathe...
If you have your Basic Data (ie. Teachers, Subjects & Rooms) in Nova-T, and wish to import them into TimeTabler (for example, to give you a 'head-start' in moving-to / using TimeTabler) then there are...
Service to move a timetable written in (say) Nova-T, into TimeTabler: If you need to move your timetable into TimeTabler this timetabling season, but don't think you will have time to learn TimeTable...
Linking to your MIS / Admin System TimeTabler & Options have links (and been Partners with) all the main MIS in the UK, and several others around the World. Some of these relationships have been in...
[img src="https://timetabler.kayako.com/base/media/url/8F13qeKr9WCvYIus7tmT3tVIPDksHKeM"]TimeTabler & Arbor have been Partners for over 10 years, and most Arbor schools use TimeTabler. We interact in...
Specialist Room Types The problem: Most schools have specialist rooms (eg: Science Labs). Certain lessons will require a specialist room, but they may not mind which precise room they have. ...
Employing and Timetabling Part-time staff: We were chosen to run a year-long Project on this topic for the Department for Education (DfE) in England, and many TimeTabler schools used the Project to i...
Using Teacher (or Room) Pools Pools can be used to group together similar Teachers (or for Special Resources, or for Rooms). They are useful for subjects (or years) where you don't mind which teach...
Unstaffed Activities Your final timetable will, of course, need to be fully staffed. However, during testing / while seeing whether your timetable will schedule, you may wish to leave some or all of ...
Period Timings - an Overview: Most school days are arranged around an agreed number of 'periods'. However, if your school day does not fit neatly into periods, and uses different length lessons for di...